Saturday, July 11, 2009

Well here it first blog. I thought that I would never, ever blog. I'm a reader, not a writer. I can't spell or write very good, so I avoid anything that has to do with writing. But, I have decided that I need to improve myself. So like the old saying "practice makes perfect" I'm going to practice and practice and with the help of spell check, maybe someone can understand my writings. Does any of this make sense?

I want to dedicate this blog to Kelly Rae Roberts. I was "You might also consider" her book, Taking Flight, on Amazon. It looked interesting so I bought it....and fell in love with it and painting all over again.

I first started to tole paint for fun. That turned into craft fairs so I could support my habit. Then I met Melissa Shirley. She is a talented painter that has her own business of hand painted needlepoint canvas, . I started painting for her and love it. But, like any job, it took the fun out of painting. Life turned complicated, so I had to quit working for her and I never picked up a brush until I read Kelly's book. I started to sewing again and learned to bead, but I never have enough time to really spend on my hobbies.....until I found Kelly. Now I'm avid follower of Kelly Rae Robert's blog, facebook and twitter sites. She gives me so much inspiration and tells me how to get my hands dirty again. Now I make time for me. To express my feelings though art. I'm also making myself do things that I don't feel comfortable blogging. So I hope you bare (is that the right "bare") with me while I'm learning to write and discover my creative side again.